

licensed in california







But you feel more like yourself than you ever have. You feel a sense of agency…and DELIGHT. Ah, to be a human expression of life on Earth. Isn’t it amazing?

Sometimes you miss the pink and blue pegs in the little plastic car, and picking a card that delivers your next small fate... 

And once you are feeling sure-footed and gain some momentum, we will wave goodbye, and you will promise to send me a post card.

You are making YOUR OWN RULES now, and following YOUR OWN PATH, right off of that damn game board. 

You will  walk your OWN path

It will illuminate your next right steps. You’ll dust yourself off and start walking in a new direction.

Your light will get brighter

When you are ready, I’ll give you a hand, and you’ll stand up and look around and remember who you are. 

All you see is the boulder, so I’ll hold those visions for you, and I’ll sit with you while you grieve the loss of the way you thought your life was supposed to go...

Fucking boulder. 

You can't see it yet

What I see is your strength and your beauty. I see your potential.
I see many other paths you could take.
I see the many gifts you have to offer. 

I see so many paths for you

You tell me how you thought you were doing everything right, and now this.

You laugh; you cry. You feel bereft. What will you do now?

You don't see a way forward

 I say, “Oh, honey: your fists are bleeding from beating on this boulder. Take a deep breath. Let’s sit down. Tell me your story.” 

When I arrive on the scene

You pull out the instructions: there is nothing in the rule book about a giant boulder.

You rail against the boulder. It’s not budging.

 You are getting discouraged, even scared.  

It won't budge!

A GIANT boulder on your path, totally blocking your way. DAMN. First you are shocked; then you are PISSED. How did this happen? This is not how the game is supposed to go.

Then a giant boulder!

 You're driving down the road in your little plastic car, following all the rules and all the road signs, dealing with all the normal advances and setbacks the best you can. 


Did you play the game LIFE when you were a kid?
It's sort of like that...

You might feel like caterpillar goo in a dark cocoon, but I see the butterfly you are becoming.

book a discovery call

If railing against the reality of how things turned out isn’t getting you where you want to be, it’s time call in the support to help you begin to 
navigate a new path.

“The only true adventure is to live your life with authenticity.”
